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'You First'
Financial Advice

We like to make protecting your lifestyle, and taking control of your future, easier.

The Process - What to Expect

Our process is informed, and easy to follow. Every step is focussed on delivering you the best advice, and service.

1. Initial Meeting

An initial meeting takes between 30-60 minutes. We define the relationship and your goals. Allowing you to ask about our services, and make sure we are the right fit for you.

We will get to know what's important to you and gather all relevant data by completing a needs analysis.

2. Tailored Recommendation

We'll evaluate your financial position, research and compare existing plans and compare against the market, before writing up a formal recommendation. Depending on the scope of service, this may include analysing assets, liabilities, cashflow, future plans and goals to tailor the solution for you.

3. Adjustments & Application

We will meet up again to present our recommendations and solutions to you. On discussing your recommendation, you may wish to adjust the plan to make sure it's perfect. Once you're happy we fill out an application to the provider together at a time that suits you.

4. Terms & Acceptance

After insurance applications we wait for a presentation of 'terms' from the insurance company. These are the final conditions, and pricing of your insurance policy. If you accept the policy we sign you in, and organise your policy payment details.

5. Ongoing Support

To make sure we are up to date with your needs, we offer yearly reviews. These can be completed in person, at an informal meeting, or over the phone to talk about your situation.

Some Commonly Asked Questions

Why use an adviser instead of going direct to the provider?

We find you the best - For insurance advice we find the best value policies, the best wordings and definitions. This helps ensure you get the best bang for buck, and a policy that delivers at claim time. For investment we research the best funds that deliver on your goals, and align with your values.

Advocacy - We can help with claims, and our great relationship with our providers means we can help push for better terms during underwriting.

How often can my policies be reviewed?

We can review your policies as little or often as you like. We are always available  to help answer any questions you may have. We will touch base with you at least once per year to offer a review.

How are you paid? Will using a broker cost me more?

Insurance advice - We are paid upon acceptance of an insurance policy, by the provider your business is placed with. This payment covers our administration, consultation, and the ongoing care of you as our client.

KiwiSaver & Investment - For personal financial plans we may charge a fee, however we will always discuss with you and agree to a fee before we start work.

Get in touch, and together we'll create your plan, for a brighter future.

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