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Financial Advice Doesn't Need to Feel Overwhelming, or Complicated

Virtue is about real, easy to understand, financial advice that puts power, and peace of mind back into your hands.

Even though we can't predict the future, we're here to support you, helping to protect, and make the most of your hard work.

Virtue is founded on three core principles:

  • Personal Care & Trust -  Our client relationships are everything, because your dreams, privacy, and discretion are important to us. 

  • Diligence - We work hard to find our clients the best solutions possible, offering yearly reviews to ensure we are still on the mark.

  • Transparency - We're here to advise you with recommendations that are easily understood, non-biased, and justified. 

John Gaudion

Licensed Financial Adviser

John has been a Licensed Financial Adviser helping clients to sort out their financial future since 2015. Living in Queenstown, John has clients throughout Central Otago and Southland, along with a few others dotted throughout the rest of the country. John has a strong belief in making sure any plans and products recommended fit within your goals and priorities, and are tailor made to suit each individual's situation.  


  • Financial advice (insurance, KiwiSaver and investment.)

  • Underwriting, and claim advocacy.

  • In-person consultations, meetings, and reviews.

  • Existing plan checks.


Advisor Support

When you call or email us, you'll get Jenna's help from our office in Queenstown. Jenna is our admin superstar, taking care of applications, checking on underwriting, and helping with enquiries.  


  • General enquiries.

  • Change/updating personal details.

  • Managing payments.

  • Support during the application process.

Jenna - client support and admin at Virtue Wealth.

Get in touch, and together we'll create your plan, for a brighter future.

Let's keep in touch, follow us on Instagram.